SOCI832: Lesson 6.3: Cronbach's Alpha

0. Code to run to set up your computer.

# Update Packages
# update.packages(ask = FALSE, repos='', dependencies = TRUE)

# Install Packages
if(!require(dplyr)) {install.packages("sjlabelled", repos='', dependencies=TRUE)}
if(!require(sjlabelled)) {install.packages("sjlabelled", repos='', dependencies=TRUE)}
if(!require(sjmisc)) {install.packages("sjmisc", repos='', dependencies=TRUE)}
if(!require(sjstats)) {install.packages("sjstats", repos='', dependencies=TRUE)}
if(!require(sjPlot)) {install.packages("sjlabelled", repos='', dependencies=TRUE)}
if(!require(summarytools)) {install.packages("summarytools", repos='', dependencies=TRUE)}
if(!require(ggplot2)) {install.packages("ggplot2", repos='', dependencies= TRUE)}
if(!require(ggthemes)) {install.packages("ggthemes", repos='', dependencies= TRUE)}
if (!require(GPArotation)) install.packages("GPArotation", repos='', dependencies = TRUE)
if (!require(psych)) install.packages("psych", repos='', dependencies = TRUE)
if (!require(ggrepel)) install.packages("ggrepel", repos='', dependencies = TRUE)

# Load packages into memory

# Turn off scientific notation
options(digits=5, scipen=15) 

# Stop View from overloading memory with a large datasets
RStudioView <- View
View <- function(x) {
  if ("data.frame" %in% class(x)) { RStudioView(x[1:500,]) } else { RStudioView(x) }

# Datasets
# Example 1: Crime Dataset
lga <- readRDS(url(""))
# extract just the crimes from crime dataset
first <- which( colnames(lga)=="astdomviol" )
last <- which(colnames(lga)=="transport")
crimes <- lga[, first:last ]

# Example 2: AuSSA Dataset
aus2012 <- readRDS(url(""))

# Example 3: Australian Electoral Survey
aes_full <- readRDS(gzcon(url("")))
# Codebook

Testing reliability of the factors using Cronbach’s Alpha

Example 1: Crimes

Calculate Cronbach’s Alpha for Factor 1 (PA1)

crimes %>%
select(mottheft, arson, steafrmot, brkentdwel,
  damtoprpty, steafrdwel, robbery, trespass,
  weapon, offlang, sexoff, brchavo, astdomviol,
  hrssthreat, brchbailcon, rsthindofficer, astnondomviol) %>%
as.matrix() %>%
## Reliability analysis   
## Call: psych::alpha(x = .)
##   raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N    ase mean  sd median_r
##       0.94      0.97    0.98      0.66  33 0.0042  328 202     0.66
##  lower alpha upper     95% confidence boundaries
## 0.93 0.94 0.95 
##  Reliability if an item is dropped:
##                raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N alpha se var.r
## mottheft            0.94      0.97    0.98      0.66  31   0.0044 0.013
## arson               0.93      0.97    0.98      0.66  31   0.0044 0.014
## steafrmot           0.93      0.97    0.98      0.67  32   0.0044 0.012
## brkentdwel          0.93      0.97    0.98      0.65  30   0.0048 0.013
## damtoprpty          0.93      0.97    0.98      0.64  29   0.0055 0.012
## steafrdwel          0.93      0.97    0.98      0.65  30   0.0045 0.013
## robbery             0.94      0.97    0.98      0.67  33   0.0042 0.012
## trespass            0.93      0.97    0.98      0.66  31   0.0044 0.014
## weapon              0.94      0.97    0.98      0.67  32   0.0043 0.013
## offlang             0.94      0.97    0.98      0.66  32   0.0043 0.013
## sexoff              0.94      0.97    0.98      0.66  32   0.0043 0.013
## brchavo             0.93      0.97    0.98      0.65  30   0.0046 0.012
## astdomviol          0.93      0.97    0.98      0.65  29   0.0048 0.012
## hrssthreat          0.93      0.97    0.98      0.65  30   0.0047 0.012
## brchbailcon         0.94      0.97    0.98      0.67  32   0.0035 0.013
## rsthindofficer      0.94      0.97    0.98      0.66  31   0.0043 0.013
## astnondomviol       0.93      0.97    0.98      0.65  30   0.0046 0.013
##                med.r
## mottheft        0.66
## arson           0.66
## steafrmot       0.66
## brkentdwel      0.66
## damtoprpty      0.65
## steafrdwel      0.66
## robbery         0.67
## trespass        0.66
## weapon          0.67
## offlang         0.66
## sexoff          0.66
## brchavo         0.66
## astdomviol      0.65
## hrssthreat      0.66
## brchbailcon     0.66
## rsthindofficer  0.66
## astnondomviol   0.66
##  Item statistics 
##                  n raw.r std.r r.cor r.drop mean  sd
## mottheft       120  0.79  0.80  0.79   0.78  179 116
## arson          119  0.80  0.83  0.83   0.80  119 136
## steafrmot      120  0.77  0.76  0.75   0.75  490 303
## brkentdwel     120  0.89  0.89  0.89   0.88  458 406
## damtoprpty     120  0.96  0.95  0.96   0.94  955 611
## steafrdwel     120  0.85  0.86  0.85   0.83  316 167
## robbery         90  0.69  0.70  0.69   0.66   28  28
## trespass       120  0.81  0.82  0.81   0.78  211 195
## weapon         120  0.70  0.73  0.71   0.67  234 148
## offlang        116  0.73  0.78  0.76   0.73   64  59
## sexoff         120  0.72  0.77  0.75   0.71  208 102
## brchavo        120  0.90  0.87  0.87   0.87  260 213
## astdomviol     120  0.94  0.92  0.93   0.92  437 295
## hrssthreat     120  0.91  0.88  0.88   0.88  485 327
## brchbailcon    120  0.78  0.74  0.72   0.71  512 519
## rsthindofficer 117  0.79  0.81  0.80   0.78   99  82
## astnondomviol  120  0.88  0.88  0.88   0.86  441 256

Calculate Cronbach’s Alpha for Factor 2 (PA3)

crimes %>%
select(liqoff, offcond, marijuana, oththeft, rsthindofficer) %>%
as.matrix() %>%
## Reliability analysis   
## Call: psych::alpha(x = .)
##   raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N   ase mean  sd median_r
##       0.82      0.89    0.88      0.63 8.5 0.019  213 135     0.64
##  lower alpha upper     95% confidence boundaries
## 0.78 0.82 0.86 
##  Reliability if an item is dropped:
##                raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N alpha se  var.r
## liqoff              0.78      0.89    0.86      0.67 8.1    0.020 0.0019
## offcond             0.78      0.85    0.82      0.59 5.8    0.024 0.0045
## marijuana           0.82      0.88    0.85      0.64 7.0    0.020 0.0035
## oththeft            0.74      0.87    0.84      0.62 6.6    0.027 0.0083
## rsthindofficer      0.80      0.87    0.85      0.63 6.8    0.023 0.0067
##                med.r
## liqoff          0.68
## offcond         0.61
## marijuana       0.63
## oththeft        0.64
## rsthindofficer  0.64
##  Item statistics 
##                  n raw.r std.r r.cor r.drop mean  sd
## liqoff         119  0.75  0.78  0.70   0.63  168 147
## offcond        118  0.86  0.89  0.87   0.81   93  90
## marijuana      120  0.89  0.83  0.78   0.71  351 292
## oththeft       120  0.86  0.85  0.80   0.75  352 196
## rsthindofficer 117  0.78  0.84  0.78   0.73   99  82

Calculate Cronbach’s Alpha for Factor 3 (PA2)

crimes %>%
select(fraud, steafrprsn, steafrsto, transport,
  recvstlgoods) %>%
as.matrix() %>%
## Reliability analysis   
## Call: psych::alpha(x = .)
##   raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N   ase mean  sd median_r
##       0.38      0.89    0.89      0.61 7.8 0.036  298 300     0.66
##  lower alpha upper     95% confidence boundaries
## 0.31 0.38 0.45 
##  Reliability if an item is dropped:
##              raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N alpha se  var.r
## fraud             0.22      0.84    0.83      0.57 5.4    0.034 0.0326
## steafrprsn        0.37      0.84    0.84      0.57 5.3    0.037 0.0272
## steafrsto         0.31      0.86    0.84      0.61 6.2    0.028 0.0174
## transport         0.77      0.91    0.89      0.71 9.9    0.018 0.0028
## recvstlgoods      0.37      0.85    0.84      0.59 5.6    0.037 0.0256
##              med.r
## fraud         0.59
## steafrprsn    0.61
## steafrsto     0.61
## transport     0.70
## recvstlgoods  0.62
##  Item statistics 
##                n raw.r std.r r.cor r.drop mean   sd
## fraud        120  0.75  0.88  0.86   0.66  467  246
## steafrprsn   101  0.63  0.89  0.86   0.64   43   57
## steafrsto    118  0.58  0.83  0.80   0.44  250  215
## transport     83  0.96  0.68  0.56   0.51  847 1370
## recvstlgoods 115  0.59  0.86  0.84   0.58   79   61

This shows that we should remove ‘transport’ from scale.

Last updated on 02 September, 2019 by Dr Nicholas Harrigan (